Currently in Colombia there are a number of zones where the demand for water exceeds the supply, causing a shortage of drinking water at certain times of the year due to a lack of infrastructure and/or the lack of natural sources that allow for the collection of water (ENA, 2018). An example of this problem can be found in the department of La Guajira where unfortunately the drought, famine and mortality of members of the Wayúu indigenous group, mainly minors, triggered a humanitarian emergency. There is poor attention from the government and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, declared and extended, on two occasions, precautionary measures in favor of the Wayúu indigenous communities (2015, 2017 – MC 51/15 IACHR), as a tool for mitigation and immediate attention to the problems arising in this area of the country, including access to safe water.
Technical Approach
Multiple-tray tilted wick solar still with parts that are easy to find in any material supply store in the nearest urban area. The design is easy to assemble, maintain and repair.
Our desalinator supplies secure water mitigating disease spread. One desalinator is used for the treatment of 40 liters and produces approximately 8 liters/day.
The cost of one desalinator corresponds to 50% of the current legal minimum wage in Colombia, being accessible for the community.
For its assembly and maintenance, a screwdriver and a cutter would be enough. The materials used have a lifespan of minimum 5 years, being a durable equipment.
All parts of the desalinator are off-the-shelf components that can be assembled autonomously by the community. No special tools are needed.
Educational Aproach
In addition to the desalination unit itself, the Apü üya wüin project seeks to establish synergies with the Parenskat community from a technical, social and educational point of view, through social appropriation strategies, given that when a technology is being brought to a rural indigenous space and/or territory, the community is the main stage of action and it will only be the members of the community who accept, evaluate, lead or reject an element that is foreign to their environment, customs and culture.
Study of the water desalination system and the creation of manuals that can be intervened by the community.
To estimate the social impact, we periodically conduct surveys to evaluate qualitatively the perceptions of the community with the solution.
Field-tested prototype
The project Apü üya wüin proposes an experimental solution to the indissoluble right of water supply in the Wayúu indigenous communities, mainly in the community of Parenskat, with whom the construction of a scalable and accessible type of desalinator is proposed since the community has wide access to brackish water. The project Apü üya wüin proposes an experimental solution to the indissoluble right of water supply in the Wayúu indigenous communities, mainly in the community of Parenskat, with whom the construction of a scalable and accessible type of desalinator is proposed since the community has wide access to brackish water.